Thursday, December 12, 2013

Caption Writing

1: Joey Gray kisses Beth Gonzalez on Friday at 2:30 p.m. in Times Square in New York City. Gray excitedly grabbed Gonzalez when the news was announced the the allies had defeated the Natiz,  ending World War II.

2: On a friday afternoon Firefighter Brayen West rushes out of a burning house with a 2 year old in his hands, Brayen West was at home in austin texas when he was called in, when Brayen got there he was told that the fire started because of the dryer, and that there was still someone inside. once Bryaen heard that he rushed in and brought out the 2 year old maria, if Brayen didn't rush in when he did maria would have died, now maria is a happy and healthy 7 year old.

3: This is sandy, she lives in sudan it was a saturday after noon when mary was walking searching for sandy, maria found sandy on the floor when she had picked up sandy she asked where she was going and sandy said to look for food. Everyday there is kids like sandy struggling to find food in order to survive.
4: It was a regular saturday for these kids when suddenly, vietnamese accidentally dropped napalm on their own troops and people that lived there. Maria is in the center of the picture with no clothes because she ripped them off because they were burning, this photo helped with the growing of anti-war.
5: This shooting took place in 2012 at sandy hook elementary school, when josh davis decided to walk into sandy hook with a gun ready to kill everyone. The teachers tried their best to save the kids from this dangerous man, many lives were lost that day including the principal, and many teachers and students.

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